  • PA6颗粒产品知识介绍
    PA6颗粒产品知识介绍 Mar 15, 2023
    聚酰胺 6 (PA6) 也被称为 尼龙6 或者 聚己内酰胺.它是全球使用最广泛的聚酰胺之一。由己内酰胺开环聚合合成。尼龙6具有最优越的综合性能,包括机械强度、刚度、韧性、机械阻尼和耐磨性。这些特性,再加上良好的电绝缘性和耐化学性,使尼龙6成为制造机械结构件和可维修件的“万能”材料。聚酰胺纤维俗称尼龙,英文名称Polyamide(PA)。 尼龙线 可制成弹力丝,其强力、耐磨性好,居所有纤维之首。尼龙长丝或短纤维与其他纤维混纺或交织,结合各纤维的特性和强度而得到的织物。我们提供良好的加工性,高性价比 工程塑料颗粒, 高质量 Pa6 gf30原料, 尼龙6粒 待售。我们有广泛的选择 聚酰胺尼龙pa6,Pa6 gf15原料 厂家直销价。
  • What Is Nylon and the Feature of Nylon
    What Is Nylon and the Feature of Nylon Jul 18, 2024
    Nylon, whose scientific name is polyamide fiber, is a synthetic fiber. Nylon Monofilament is a form of nylon with the characteristics of high breaking strength, good wear resistance, moisture absorption and breath-ability. The production and application of Nylon Monofilament has developed rapidly and has become an important raw material in the textile industry. Nylon silk fabric is a lightweight fabric with strong strength and good wear resistance, ranking first among all fibers. Its wear resistance is 10 times that of cotton fiber, 10 times that of dry viscose fiber, and 140 times that of wet fiber. Therefore, its durability is excellent. Various fabrics woven from nylon yarn have the characteristics of smooth feel, strong durability and affordable price. In addition, nylon filament can be stretched to 3-4 times its original length, has a recovery rate of more than 90%, and has good resistance to chemicals such as acids and salts. Not only that, nylon filament also has good hygroscopicity and breathability, makingclothes woven with it comfortable to wear. As a synthetic fiber with excellent properties, Nylon Monofilament has a wide range of applications, including industrial, medical and military fields.

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