  • 什么是尼龙以及尼龙的特点
    什么是尼龙以及尼龙的特点 Jul 18, 2024
    Nylon, whose scientific name is polyamide fiber, is a synthetic fiber. Nylon Monofilament is a form of nylon with the characteristics of high breaking strength, good wear resistance, moisture absorption and breath-ability. The production and application of Nylon Monofilament has developed rapidly and has become an important raw material in the textile industry. Nylon silk fabric is a lightweight fabric with strong strength and good wear resistance, ranking first among all fibers. Its wear resistance is 10 times that of cotton fiber, 10 times that of dry viscose fiber, and 140 times that of wet fiber. Therefore, its durability is excellent. Various fabrics woven from nylon yarn have the characteristics of smooth feel, strong durability and affordable price. In addition, nylon filament can be stretched to 3-4 times its original length, has a recovery rate of more than 90%, and has good resistance to chemicals such as acids and salts. Not only that, nylon filament also has good hygroscopicity and breathability, makingclothes woven with it comfortable to wear. As a synthetic fiber with excellent properties, Nylon Monofilament has a wide range of applications, including industrial, medical and military fields.
  • 尼龙鱼线介绍
    尼龙鱼线介绍 Jul 31, 2024
    钓鱼作为一项休闲运动,越来越受到人们的喜爱。在我国,钓鱼爱好者的群体日益壮大。鱼线是钓鱼过程中至关重要的工具,其质量直接影响钓鱼体验。鱼线又称鱼线,是连接鱼竿和鱼钩的重要部件。主要用于传递渔者的力量,感知鱼的动向。鱼线材质多种多样,有尼龙线、PE线、碳素线、氟碳线等,不同材质制成的鱼线有不同的特点和适用场景。 尼龙线具有良好的弹性、耐磨性和耐腐蚀性,广泛应用于各种钓鱼环境。适合休闲钓鱼、黑坑钓鱼等,特别适合初学者。 PE线拉力极高,耐磨性强,抗老化性能好,但线质较硬,不易打结,所以比较适合钓大型鱼类,如鲟鱼、鲨鱼等。钢丝具有强度高、伸长率低、耐磨等特点,但价格较贵。金属丝直径主要分布在0.08毫米至0.30毫米之间,具有优良的耐磨性和抗拉强度。无论是淡水还是咸水,在各种钓鱼环境下都保持优异的性能。柔软光滑的线体不仅可以减少对鱼口的伤害,还可以使线缠绕更加顺畅。鱼线在钓鱼过程中起着重要的作用。了解并掌握钓鱼线的相关知识,将有助于提高您的钓鱼技巧,享受更愉快的钓鱼体验。

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